Long Beach Organic is dedicated to alleviating food insecurity in students at Cal State Long Beach. Since 2020 we have donated over 18,000lbs of local, organic produce to CSULB's Food Pantry.

The Lauren Chalmers '83 Beach Pantry serves over 300 students per day!

Our Giving Gardens are managed by volunteers every Wednesday! RSVP here to join us

To donate towards are Giving Gardens, click here

"The Beach Pantry has helped me out in times when I was hungry on campus and needed an extra boost of energy. It also gives me something to do in the summer as I look forward to bringing home groceries for my mom to cook with. Even my sister says we've been eating more veggies because of this. I've met friends outside the pantry, and it has increased my knowledge of different foods. Going into the pantry and seeing groceries being loaded in, will always be a good experience. I love seeing the fresh foods and experimenting with things like cucumber mint water. I always get a good feeling when I see homegrown tomatoes because it means my mom will be making some tasty salsa that day."